I find myself at my age being almost a standstill in-between the beliefs of my mother and father which in a strange way seems fitting. My mother the ever sturdy southern Christian has one of the most admirable belief systems and unequivocal faiths I’ve ever witnessed and if I were to say I would change one thing about her or how she raised me on them I would be doing a disservice to the woman who will always live behind rose colored glasses. I could speak her praises for years but as I grew and saw her as the human with faults and problems like all of us, I realized she was lacking in a spiritual side that I had yearned for. She read to us bible verses and taught us that “all things were made through him” and I wanted to experience it all. If all things were a mirror of god in some way than I craved learning that way, I wanted to travel, meet new people, and try new things. My mom more content to stay away from the unknown and confide in her knowledge, my father on the other hand rebelled against traditional religion and attends a new age church which can’t mention any denomination or any god so they basically all chant together things like “thank you” and “ we are one”. Don’t get me wrong I’m thankful and I’ve been following the “we are one” belief since Disney popped off a little gem called The Lion King but spending a few hours chanting them not associating them with religion or our lives or our spirits seems lackluster to me and unfortunately goes in one ear and goes out the other. The thing I obviously did take from that new age experience was the spirituality of dropping your walls and digging deep past the voices that swim through your subconscious. This is getting long and hopefully made some type of sense but my point being that I’ve found myself consistently and happily progressing and being ensconced in life and perhaps not quite yet in the big picture but in who I want to be. If you exude the elements in life which you aspire, they will come back at you everywhere, you just have to keep your eyes open and mind free to embrace the impossible.
Cameraphone picture of the day- I saw this on a wall and I like it's message.
Song of the day: Hello Vegas- Spiderwebs
DIG DEEP, sweets. dig deep.